They all received a certificate and an environmentally-friendly prize package, sponsored by local businesses. Winner (and elementary school teacher) Jeanie Gaudette also received a congratulatory letter from the contest’s honorary patron, Canadian astronaut and environmentalist Dr. Roberta Bondar who compliments Jeannie writing: “(…) It is very important that our children learn ways to protect the environment. You are a wonderful role model not only for your pupils but everyone around you!”
We had a blast with this contest, learning about all these initiatives to help our fragile environment, and especially meeting the people behind them. It’s incredibly encouraging to see how much is happening on a grassroots level, ideas that slowly but surely perculate into ever-wider circles.
Don’t worry if you missed this year’s contest, the Eco Hero will be back next year. I’m just thinking, some contests have a crowning ceremony, so maybe we should introduce a “caping ceremony”. You know – super heroes, capes?
Okay, maybe not…
Way to go Eco Heroes!